Hello! my name’s Annie. I love animals – especially dogs. I qualified as a dog trainer about 5 years ago now, and went on to complete a 4 year Bachelor of Science Degree in Animal Behaviour at Exeter University. I have trained thousands of dogs with behavioural problems ranging from aggression to severe separation anxiety.
I pride myself on being a science based trainer, using positive reinforcement based training wherever possible. Every case I see is different and for this reason I say that I am always learning. To me, being a good dog trainer/ behaviourist is about having a tool kit of solutions available to you- not a ‘one size fits all’ approach. Part of what makes me successful in this field is my compassion for the owners as well as the dogs I see. I am well aware of the distress and heart break that can come from dealing with a behavioural problem on a daily basis. Most important to my work is restoring harmony in the lives of the owners . There is no judgement, laying blame, or ‘telling off’- we all do the best we can from the knowledge we have and it is my job to help you on that educational journey. My primary purpose is to bring peace back into the house, to make you LOVE your dog, and look forward to a stronger relationship.
So, the question most people ask at this stage is, will online training work for me and my dog? Whether you're working through complexed behavioural problems such as reactivity or simply wanting to learn more about dog training, there will be a ton of content for you to get stuck into. This site should serve as a source of inspiration, motivation and educational platform. Not sure if this will work for you? Start with the no obligation free trial and lets see how I can help!